Creating Auctions

Step-by-Step Guides to Setting Up Auctions
Guide to Item and Auction Categories
BidWrangler Categories provide auction companies with the ability to categorize their auctions, listings, and items to allow users another layer of fi...
Assigning Categories to Items in Bulk
The purpose of this article is to address common issues with importing an item import using item categories, and then demonstrate how to successfully ...
What Are Item Categories?
Adding categories to items in an auction, especially in estate or consignment auctions, can greatly assist bidders in finding the items they are inter...
How do I add a third party bidding URL?
Here's how to accomplish that:  Locate the "Third party bidding URL" in the auction's edit screen: This field is for auctions that will be cross linke...
Why won't my auction display?
The number one reason an auction isn't displaying on your bidding platform and/or website is that there is no item attached to it. Every auction must ...
How do I create an informational lot?
Some auction companies like to have an informational lot as part of each auction. In general, this lot lives at the beginning of the auction. The lot ...
How do I set reserves on items?
To set a reserve on any item, click on "Items"under the Auctions heading from the left-hand menu. Locate the item you wish to edit using either the "F...
How do I add a Hyperlink?
In this example, we'll add a link to the Auction Description. Type the text you wish to make a link into the Auction Description box. It's a good idea...
How do I upload and manage uncataloged photos?
At times, you may wish to upload a batch of photos that do not yet correspond with a catalog. We now support this function with the new "auction galle...
How do I duplicate an auction?
It's easy! From the administer auctions window, click the second icon from the left: Next, you'll need to choose between two options: The first strate...
Hierarchy of Settings
BidWrangler allows you to configure settings at different levels. Most can be set as system defaults, but can be overridden on the auction, item, or u...
How to update lot positions in an auction via Items Import/CSV
1. Navigate to the Auction Review screen for the specific auction and click EXPORT CSV 2. Deselect All Fields 3. Select Lot Identifier, Name, and Auct...
How do I create an ad that also shows in the Auctions tab on the website?
You can create adverts for upcoming auctions or events and have them appear on your website among your current auctions. In the example below, the fir...
How to add a Storage Location to an Item for Invoicing and Pickup
Many companies place items in organized systems so employees or customers can easily find specific items during pickup. Storage Location is an item-le...
How do I view an auction report?
How do I view an auction report? Auction reports are available to view in the BidWrangler admin portal.  These can be viewed while an auction is activ...
Closing Speed for Timed Auctions
Closing Speeds for Timed Auctions You will now be required to have a closing speed in order to save a timed auction. If you want all items to close to...
Can I copy images to multiple lots at a time?
The BidWrangler Photo Manager screen has many options for copying and moving select images other lots. This includes the ability to copy and move im...
Can I select multiple images at once?
Selecting many images at once can be done quickly in the BidWrangler Photo Manager screen via selecting an image, then using Shift+Click to select...
How do I embed a video to my item/lot in BidWrangler?
Videos can be uploaded to YouTube and added to individual items/lots in the BidWrangler admin portal.  When complete, videos will display embedded in ...
How do I manage auction descriptions?
Auction Descriptions There are several fields available to use for an auction description when creating an auction within the BidWrangler admin.   Pri...
How do I set a "Buy-it-Now" price on my items/lots?
How do I set a "Buy-it-Now" price on my items/lots in BidWrangler? An auctioneer might wish to list a "Buy-it-Now" price on items/lots within an aucti...
How do I link multiple auctions together for invoicing? (Using Linked Auction Groups)
The linked auctions feature gives you the option to link multiple auction containers into one auction event. Perhaps you are running two rings in an a...
How do I set a group of items to auto-extend together?
Within the BidWrangler admin portal, items can be grouped together in a timed auction, and will auto extend together if one of the items is bid on. Fi...
How do I bulk upload images for an item in BidWrangler?
For an item being created in BidWrangler that has multiple images, it is useful to utilize the bulk image upload feature when creating an item.  To do...
Can I save images to my phone from the BW Catalog App?
As of December 2024, the BidWrangler BW Catalog App { download here } allows app users to choose if they want images to automatically save to their de...
How to Use the Drag and Drop Reorder Feature
The Auction Review Screen now makes it possible to reorder any item via drag and drop. You will find a new icon on the left-hand side of any item row....
Importing Images via Naming Convention
Images can imported in bulk via two different methods: barcodes and naming convention. Naming convention means that by naming individual JPEG images w...
Reserve Guide
Reserves are a pre-determined amount that an auction company can set on a lot that they agree cannot be sold less than that amount. In an online aucti...
How do I create different live and online buyer's premiums?
NOTE: Before using this feature, please ensure that you have received our Live Tools training. If you need to schedule this training, please reach out...
How to reorder an auction with ABC lots
In BidWrangler, you can create items with an alphanumeric Lot Id (e.g. 92a, 92b, 92c, 92d), hence why we call them “ABC lots." If you need help creati...
How do I disable prebidding?
By default, both timed and live auctions in BidWrangler allow for bidder's to enter a prebid, which is simply a max bid entered before the auction's s...
Barcodes Guide
For customers using a spreadsheet and photos from a standalone camera to catalog an auction, barcodes are a convenient way of organizing photos so tha...
How do I enable Prebidding?
Prebids refer to bids placed before competitive bidding on an auction begins. Bidders will not be able to see if they are the high bidder until compet...
How to create ABC Lots in the Admin Portal
This article will demonstrate how to create an item that uses an alphanumeric 'Lot Id' (commonly referred to as ‘ABC lots’). ABC lots can be used to s...
How do I reorder items by lot number?
Many auction companies choose to order their catalogs in order by lot number. Our auction positions for lots are assigned as next available, and in ma...
How to upload an auction via csv file
You can bulk upload an auction catalog with a .csv spreadsheet file through the "Items import" tab in the Admin Portal. First, Navigate to the Admin P...
What size should the images be for my items?
Images in the BidWrangler bidding platform follow a 4:3 aspect ratio, such as a 1920 × 1440 resolution. Any images outside of this size will be croppe...
How do I create an informational lot after publishing an auction catalog?
Please see below how one might accomplish this task: (Please keep in mind that this suggested method is only if you position your items in order of lo...
Charge a Fee for Registration
You can now charge a fee to have bidders register for an auction. Here is a video: First, in your admin p...
How Do I Set An Item To Auto-Extend?
Auto-extensions add time to an item's closing countdown clock whenever a bidder makes a bid on that item within the last 60 seconds of closing. To set...
How do I use auto-extend groups?
With auto-extend groups, items can be grouped together so that when any one of those items auto-extends, every item in the group will extend together....
How do I mark an auction as "SOLD" before it begins?
A lot may sell before it reaches an auction with a pre-auction offer. Or sometimes you may want to go in and add a history of past auctions to showcas...
Can my customers place a prebid?
Before an auction begins, bidders are able to place a prebid, which functions as their own max bid once the auction begins.  When bidding is enabled f...
How do I set up a bidder's choice auction?
Please reference this article when setting up an auction with bidder's choice:
How do I create a Questionnaire?
A custom questionnaire can be created and attached to an auction for bidders to answer during registration. Up to five questions can be configured int...
Can I create a private auction?
Private auctions can be created in the BidWrangler platform that are hidden to any users not directly registered for that auction  Navigate to the Bid...