How to update lot positions in an auction via Items Import/CSV
Updating Lot Positions via CSV
1. Navigate to the Auction Review screen for the specific auction and click EXPORT CSV
2. Deselect All Fields
3. Select Lot Identifier, Name, and Auction Position and export
4. Open the CSV in a spreadsheet software and change the Auction Position as desired
5. For this example, I am moving Lots 4 and 5 to the beginning of the auction and 1-3 to the end. Click "File" and export the file as a CSV file
6. Navigate to the Items Import screen in the Admin Portal and click Create
7. Choose the auction that the lots are being reordered in
8. Choose the CSV file that was just exported
Alert: Alert! Updating an auction with a CSV file/Items Import CANNOT be undone. Please contact if you have any questions.
9. Click Save
10. The Auction should update quickly. Refresh the screen to see the progress. Once done, click on the Auction link
11. Click on the Review screen to see the new order of items