Can I save images to my phone from the BW Catalog App?


As of December 2024, the BidWrangler BW Catalog App {download here} allows app users to choose if they want images to automatically save to their device's photo storage/camera roll as they take pictures of lots. This setting is device specific, so any cataloger can choose to enable or disable this.

Please note that this feature only works if "Enable catalog plugin camera" is enabled in your Company Settings under Customization:

Enabling "Store Images to Camera Roll"

After logging in to the BW Catalog app, click on the menu icon in the top left.

You will find the new setting under the sign out button. Click on this switch to enable the feature.

After enabling the setting, you should receive a green banner message sharing that this setting is only enabled for this individual device.

Begin using the app as usual. When you take a picture for the first time, you should receive a message that the app needs access to your photo library. For images taken within the app to save to your camera roll, the BW Catalog app must have access to your photo library.

The popup in iOS will look like the following, but you can learn more about how to provide the app access to your photo library per iOS/Apple or Android/Google support articles.

Once the app has access, you should find any images taken within the app save to your phone as shown below.

If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to us at