Importing Images via Naming Convention


Images can imported in bulk via two different methods: barcodes and naming convention.

Naming convention means that by naming individual JPEG images with their corresponding lot number and image, one can import images in bulk and they will assign to the assigned lot number.

For example, if I wanted to add 3x images to lot 1 and 2x images to lot 3, the image files would be named as follows: 1-1.jpg, 1-2.jpg, 1-3.jpg, 3-1.jpg, 3-2.jpg.

Importing images via this method allows you to do so alongside an item CSV file import, and as of October 2024, you can also omit the CSV import, and the lots will be automatically generated alongside the image import.

Importing Images Without an Item CSV

If you want to create lots instantly by importing only the images, you may do so with the image import naming convention method. Let's take this folder of images as an example {note that you can have multiple images per lot via the naming convention; following images for a lot would be #-2.jpg, #-3.jpg, #-4.jpg, etc.):

To import the above folder of images and create lots at the same time, log in to the Admin Portal and click on Items Import; click Create to start a new import:

Select the appropriate auction in the Auction field and upload the file of images alongside Images by clicking on "image" to select individual image files, or simply select "folder" and choose the entire unzipped folder of images. It doesn't matter which option you choose as long as you select all appropriate images with the naming convention.

Please note that image imports can be as large at 10GB. Any imports larger than that will need to be split up. Please do not run more than one at a time.

No other options are needed, so you may click "Save" to run the import. You will be brought to the Administer Items Import screen where you can refresh to see your progress. Depending on the size of your import and any ahead of you in the queue, this may take some time.

Once the import is done, you may click on the auction's name from this screen to quickly navigate to the auction's settings. Click on "Review" and you should find your images assigned to lots that were automatically generated without an item CSV:

If you have any issues, please email the Customer Success Team at