How do I set a group of items to auto-extend together?


Within the BidWrangler admin portal, items can be grouped together in a timed auction, and will auto extend together if one of the items is bid on.

First, create a timed auction. Make sure you've completed adding the appropriate items to the auction.  

Next, within the BidWrangler admin portal, click on "Item"

Within "Administer Items" search for the item to be added to the group auto-extend, and click on the pencil to edit

Once the item has been selected for editing, scroll down to "Timed Auction" and click on the dropdown arrow.  

  • The time allotted for the auto-extend in minutes can be set here to override the default for the auction or company.  This new auto-extend time will be associated with this item, and all within the group will be extended by this amount of time when a bid is placed on this item.  In most cases, this field should either be left blank (so that the auto-extend follows the auction or company default), or if a specific time is entered for this item, the same time should be entered for all items in the auto extend group.

  • Each item can be selected to be associated with a specific group identified by a letter (EXAMPLE - 'A') in the dropdown menu.  When an item is given an identifier, it will associate this item with all other items that have been given that same character.  This triggers any bid to an item within the group to auto-extend by the amount set in the above field.

  • Each item can be given a manual close, requiring a clerk to manually close the item from a "Pending" state within the auction.

Once associated with a grouping, every item in that group will auto-extend together once a bid is placed.