Where do I download the BW Catalog App?


If you use BidWrangler Auction Management tools and want to catalog via our mobile app, you may download them from the following links:



Additionally, you may navigate to the Apple App Store or Google Play Store on your mobile device and search for "BW Catalog."

Once downloaded, log in with the email address and password you use to log in to your bidding platform as an admin or cataloger.

You are now set to catalog using the BW Catalog App. For more information on cataloging click here.

NOTE: You can also access the BW catalog app in a web browser if you do not need a mobile device camera. In order to access the cataloging app, simply add "/catalog" to the end of your bidding platform URL.

For instance, if your bidding platform URL is companyname.bidwrangler.com, you can view the catalog app at companyname.bidwrangler.com/catalog. Note that this method should still be used if you use a CNAME like bid.companyname.com.