How do I create an informational lot after publishing an auction catalog?


Please see below how one might accomplish this task:

(Please keep in mind that this suggested method is only if you position your items in order of lot number. If your lot numbers are ever not in order (i.e., 1, 2, 3, 3a, 3b, 4, etc.), you cannot use this method)

  1. Log in to the Admin Portal and navigate to the Items screen

  2. Create an item

    1. Assign it to the auction and add the lot name and description

    2. Under Suggested Fields: assign a Lot Identifier of 0

      1. Additional info lots can be assigned 00, 000, and so on

    3. Leave Auction Position blank

    4. Under Listings: check the Listing? checkbox

    5. Save

  3. You should then find an info lot placed at the end of your auction with a Lot ID of 0

  4. To move the item to the beginning of the auction, we need to reorder the lots by first going to the Items screen

  5. Once in the items screen, filter for that auction (double-check you are in the right auction via the name and by scrolling to the bottom of the auction to see how many items are there)

  6. Click on Filtered items > Update Items

    1. Field to update = Auction Postion

    2. Strategy = To Same Sequence As Lot Number of Same Item

    3. Click the Execute button