How do I block a user in BidWrangler?


How do I block a user in BidWrangler?

Admins may wish to block users from registering and bidding in current or future auctions.  This can be done within the BidWrangler admin portal.  Blocking a user prevents further registrations, but does not revoke existing registrations.  To revoke an existing registration requires manually revoking the registration in the current auction as well.

It is also important to note, that if you block a user and revoke a registration AND they already have bids in play, we do not automatically cancel those bids. These will need to be manually removed. The reasoning is that if they are the high bidder on something, we don’t want to delete their high bid because that would mean we are putting the underbidder BACK in at their last bid.

To block a user, first navigate to the BidWrangler admin portal, and select "Users" from the left menu - 

Next, search for the user to be blocked in the list, and click on the pencil to edit that user's status -

Scroll down to the bottom of the user's page, and select "Blocked" from the dropdown menu.  Notes can be added to reference this action on this page as well.  Click save to update and apply this setting -

The previous action will only block a user form bidding in future auctions, but users registered in current auctions will require manually revoking that registration.  To do this, navigate to the admin portal and select "Registration" from the left menu - 

Next, search for active registrations in auctions for the user and click edit - 

From here, the auction name and username are displayed for the specific auction.  Uncheck the "Approved" box at the bottom of the screen, and click save to apply this setting.  This user's registration will now be revoked, and unable to bid in this auction.

Repeat this step for all current auctions a user may be registered in.  Each current registration must be revoked for every active, individual auction a user is registered in.

Should you want to manually remove their bids, you will want to go to the 'Bid' option on the left hand side:

Once here you can search for the bidder by their Last Name along with the Auction ID from the auction you wish to remove the bids for (For information on how to locate an auction ID please refer to this article)

Repeat this step for all auctions a user may be registered in to remove the bids they have placed.