How do I pull Bidder Information for a Specific Auction?


In order to pull bidder information for a specific Auction, you will want to run the search by 'Auction ID'. This is the best way to ensure that you are only pulling information specific to one particular auction.

Please DO NOT search by the Auction Name. This can cause your platform to significantly slow down.

How do I find an Auction ID?

Once you are logged into the Admin portal click on 'Auction' on the left hand side:

Once here locate the Auction you are looking to pull the Bidder information for (e.g. Test Auction) and click the 'Show' icon:

The Auction ID can then be located in the URL at the top of the screen (in this case it is 34091)

Once you have the correct ID you can run your report by clicking 'Bid' on the left hand side.

In the following screen:

  1. Click 'Add Filter' (right hand side) and select the 'Auction ID' filter.

  2. Adjust the newly added filter drop down to say 'Is exactly'

  3. Type in the Auction ID retrieved in the above steps. In this case '34091'

  4. Lastly click the 'Refresh' button to run your report: