How do I view an auction report?

How do I view an auction report?

Auction reports are available to view in the BidWrangler admin portal.  These can be viewed while an auction is active, or when an auction completes.  When an auction completes, an email will automatically be sent to company admins with this information.  If you are looking to export this information, reference this article -  How do I find and export my auction information to a spreadsheet?

First, navigate to the BidWrangler admin portal, and click on "Auction" 

Next, find the auction to be selected, click on the menu icon, then click on the "Report" icon

Here, the auction report will have detailed information for each of these fields

  • Totals (includes current total, maxbid total, and average price per item)
  • Items (number of items, items with bids, and items ended)
  • Bids (unique bids total, unique bids today, and average bids per item)
  • Bidders (unique bidders, unique bidders today, unique winning bidders, and average bidders per item)
  • Reserve NOT Met (total number of bids, reserve price, highest non-winning bid and bidder with contact information)
  • Reserve Met (total number of bids, reserve price, winning bid price and bidder with contact information)