How do I re-clerk an item?


How to reclerk an item

In some cases, you may need to change the winning bid on an item after the auction has closed. A basic example of when this would occur is if you need to sell to a backup bidder.

There are multiple ways to reclerk an item. This can be done via the Online Clerking Panel, Live Clerking Panel, and directly on an unlocked invoice.

Invoice Screen

Items can easily be moved directly from an individual invoice. On the invoice from which it needs to be moved from, click on the "Move" arrow for the appropriate item.

You may move items to any bidder registered in that auction. If they are not already, they will need to be registered in order to appear in the bidder dropdown/search. Please review this article if you need to assistance with registering a bidder.

Select or search for any registered bidder in this auction, select them, then click "Move Item" to reclerk it.

If the bidder did not have a prior invoice in this auction and automatic invoice generation is not enabled for this auction, generate invoices again for it to appear.

If the item's amount needs to be adjusted, you may do so by navigating to the appropriate invoice, click on the bid amount to edit, adjust the amount and "Update Bid."

Online Clerking Panel

IMPORTANT: Before reclerking an item via the Online Clerking Panel, ensure that "disable end of auction emails" is checked in your company settings. If you fail to disable these emails, end-of-auction emails will be sent to all of your bidders when you open and re-close an item. For companies that send out invoices at the end of sale, we often recommend that this feature be disabled.

To do so, click on "Settings" and then the pencil icon to edit your company settings. Scroll to the "Customization" section, and ensure "Disable end of auction emails" is selected. If it's not enabled, check the box, scroll down, and hit "Save."

To begin reclerking the item, navigate to the clerking panel, find and select your item from the Items Catalog, and click the "Reopen" button as shown below. If you have trouble navigating to the clerking panel, click here.

Click "Confirm" to reopen the item

IMPORTANT: When you re-open an item, it will immediately start counting down for however many seconds the closing is. In order to keep the item from closing before you've made the necessary adjustments, you may need to click the "Extend" button before the countdown reaches zero.

You can now delete the top bid via the trashcan and sell to the backup OR create a new bid on the item.

Once you are done, hit the "Sold" button (you can also hit the "No Sale" button if applicable"

The item has now been successfully re-clerked. If you create invoices, they will reflected the updated winning bidder information for this lot.

Live Clerking Panel

If the auction was a live auction, items can be reclerked from the Live Clerking Panel if you have receive Live Tools Training and have Live Tools enabled. If you have not received training on these tools and would like to, please send us an email at

This method does not reopen the auction.

Navigate to the Live Clerking Panel and load the appropriate item by entering the lot number and click "Load Item" or hit the "Enter" key on your keyboard.

Type in the desired bid amount then search for the desired registered bidder, click on their name, then click "Sold" or hit the "Enter" key on your keyboard. If they are not registered already, it can easily be done by clicking on the "Plus" icon under Bidders on the right-hand side of the screen.

If the bidder had not been previously registered or won any items in the auction, generate invoices again. The item should be updated.

If you have any questions about reclerking an item, please contact us at