How do I add sellers to a consignment auction?
First, we have to create our sellers. From your admin portal, click on "Sellers" in the left column.
Click on the "Create" tab.
Enter contact information for the seller here. Pay particular attention the the seller number. You can assign a PERMANENT seller number from this screen. If you do not enter a seller number, the seller will be automatically generated a number based on your company settings.
Scroll down and enter the remaining settings for the seller. If you choose a setting from any of these dropdowns, it will take precedence over any values set at the auction or item level. If you add an expense here, it will be added to EACH item from the seller. Individual expenses can be added on an item-by-item basis by editing the item from the auction preview screen. When you are done, click "Save"
Now that you've created a seller, you can associate items with that seller in a variety of ways.
Cataloging App
You have the ability to enter a seller number for any item entered into the cataloging app. You can search by name or seller number, and can even create a new seller directly from this screen
Spreadsheet Import
When you upload a spreadsheet, you can include a column for seller number, which will associate the item with the correct seller when imported
Auction Preview
You can edit the seller information from the Auction Preview screen