How do I reorder my auctions?
By default, auctions in BidWrangler are ordered based on date. However, in some cases, you may want to reorder the auctions on the bidding platform. A common case for this is wanting a particular auction to stay consistently at the top of the list, even though other auctions are ending first.
You can adjust auction position with the "Sort Index" field, located near the top of the auction settings
By default, auctions are created with no value in the sort index. If all you want to do is move a particular auction to the top of the list, all you need to do is edit the sort index for this auction and mark it as "1." Then the next auction you want to be shown next will be "2," etc.
Here is the logic behind the sort index:
All auctions with a value in the sort index field are displayed before auctions with no sort index value
Auctions with a sort index are displayed in numerical order
Please note, sort index will not apply to past auctions.