How do I create a new admin user?
Please note that if you have a BidWrangler website with us separate from your bidding platform, and your new admin needs website access as well, we will need to assist. Please set up the bidding platform credentials via the instructions below, then email us at
First, make sure you are signed in to your bidding platform with Full-Admin permissions.
Click on the "hamburger" icon on the top right of the bidding platform:
Next, click on the Admin Portal button:
On the left side, click on "users."
Click on Create
Fill in the information for the user. At minimum, you must complete these required fields:
First Name
Last Name
Email Address
Confirm Password
User Accepts Terms? (must be enabled)
Click Save. You will be taken back to the main admin screen.
Click on Permissions
Click on Create:
Start typing the name of the user you just created in the Users dropdown. Once you see the name, click to select it. Choose the desired permission type and elect whether or not this user should receive emails.
We have a variety of different admin permissions, so click here to know which one to choose.
If they should not be an admin and should only be a clerk or cataloger, click here.
Click Save. You have now successfully create a user and granted that user administrative permissions.