How do I add a blog post to my website?
NOTE: Before creating a blog post, the blog feature must be enabled on your website. Please reach out to us at if you need to turn on the blog for your website.
This article covers CREATING, EDITING, and HIDING a blog post.
Creating a New Blog Post
Start from your website content editor. At the top, hover over "Content Manager" then "Add New" then "Blog."
Fill out the relevant fields for your blog post, and hit save
The blog post will now appear on your website.
Editing a Blog Post
You can also edit existing blog posts. To do this, start from your website content manager, and hover over "content manager" then "edit" and then "blog"
Click the name of the blog post you wish to edit.
From this screen you can edit your blog content.
Hiding a Blog Post
Begin by navigating to the blog edit page, as described above. Click on the "Visibility" tab.
From the "Status" dropdown, choose "Closed," then click "Submit."
Your blog post is now hidden.
On the "visibility' tab, you may also schedule posts to be published in the future. Simply use the "entry date" field and pick what day and time you'd like your blog post to be published.