How do I add a pickup status to an invoice?


We have added the ability to add an additional status field to all invoices entitled "Invoice Pickup". This field will appear as a dropdown on invoices. The options in that dropdown are configurable via the Company Settings.

Set Up Invoice Pickup Statuses

To set up the invoice pickup statuses, navigate to your Company Settings and edit. Scroll down to Invoicing and you will find a new field for "Invoice pickup statuses". You may add the options in a comma separated value format as shown below:

As soon as you save at least one value in this field, the "Pickup Status" dropdown will appear on invoices.

Assigning a Pickup Status

This status is not automated, so all invoices will show no value in the Pickup Status dropdown unless an option is manually chosen.

Click on the dropdown to view and choose a previously-created Pickup Status option.

Filtering and Locating Invoices with Pickup Statuses

The pickup status field provides value with consistent use. Invoices can be filtered by any pickup status (shown below), and they appear in reports, specifically Inventory Summaries and Settlement Summaries. With regular use, it can be another helpful source of information when viewing invoices or items after an auction.

Filtering invoices by pickup status:

Pickup status viewable via Inventory Summary: