Association Sites - How do I edit my profile or add auctions?
Begin by logging into the member area of your website.
Go to:
For instance, if your site address were, you would go to to log in.
Login here with the username and password provided to you by your association.
By default, this takes you to the screen where you can add a new auction to the auction calendar.
If you'd like to do something other than add a new auction, you can use these navigation buttons at the top to choose the correct function:
We will now go through each of these functions.
Add New Auction:
You will see these fields:
Title -- The name of the auction
Auction Location - Enter an address for the auction
Start Date and Time - When the auction begins
End Date and Time - Optional
Auction Abstract - Short description of the auction
Scroll down for more fields:
Auction Photo - Click on "Upload Images" to add a photo for this auction. Choose the best photo for the auction -- only one photo is supported for each auction. Users can view additional photos on your site.
Auction Link - BE SURE TO INCLUDE: "http://"
Include a link to the auction page on your website.
Click on the red "submit" button to submit the auction.
You do not need to configure anything under the "Visibility" tab at the top of the page.
Edit Auctions:
Click this button, and you will see a list of the auctions you have uploaded to the site. Click on the auction to edit it.
Follow the steps under "Add New Auction" to correct or edit the auction.
Hit "Submit" when you are done.
Edit My Profile:
Once you click on "Edit My Profile" click on your name in the list below. The name for the profile I'm using for this tutorial is "Demo Auctioneer"
You will now see the following fields:
Just like when you upload an auction, you can click on "Upload Images" to add a profile photo. If you are replacing an existing photo, click on the trash can icon to delete the existing image before you upload a new one
You do not need to add mapping location latitude or longitude unless you'd like to map your location on the "find an auctioneer map" at a different location than the address that you provide -- for example if you provide a P.O. box as an address.
Click the submit button when you are done.