How do I set a bidder to be automatically registered for future auctions?


How do I set a bidder to be automatically registered for future auctions?

A company may wish to set a bidder to always be registered in their company's auctions.  This will allow a user to bid in any auction, bypassing the registration process for all future auctions.  To set a bidders registration status, navigate to the BidWrangler admin portal, and select "Users" from the left menu - 

Next, search for and select the user to be edited - 

Scroll down the page for that user, and find the dropdown for "Default Registration Status".  Select "Always Registered", and click save at the bottom of the screen:

Once completed and saved, this bidder will be automatically registered for all future auctions.  To remove this bidder's automatic registration, simply set their "Default Registration Status" to "Must Register".  For blocking users, and revoking an auction registration, refer to this document - How do I block a user in BidWrangler?