How do I print Seller Checks?


The BidWrangler Admin Portal has the ability to print checks for the purpose of paying your sellers/consignors. This guide will go over how to create and save reusable check templates via Check Layouts, then print checks for all or selected sellers in a given auction.

Check Layouts

Before printing any checks, a Check Layout will need to be created and saved. Check Layouts allow you to upload a scanned image of blank checks and add where the various settlement fields will go when you print your seller checks.

This page can be found under the Seller Settlement category in the Admin Portal. Click "Check Layouts" to create a new layout, view, test print, edit, or delete an existing layout. By default, opening this page will bring you to a new layout. You may view or edit a previously saved layout via the "Current Layout" dropdown.

Create a Check Layout

To begin creating a layout from the Check Layouts page, click on "Page Settings:"

From Page Settings, add a template image file. This file should be a scan of your blank check page in a JPEG or PNG format. After adding the image, the page can be manipulated via the presets, page width, height, and margin fields. Click Ok to move on to adding the settlement fields.

Next, click "Add Settlement Field" to begin adding where the settlement-generated fields will print on your checks:

Click into the "Field" dropdown to select a field, then select which check number this field is for on the page {see below for more information on check #}, then click "Add" to add the field to the template. The check number dropdown can account for a max number of 8 checks on a given page.

The field will be added to the template with the check number and field name. Settlement fields can be added multiple times for a single seller, edited via drag and drop to reposition them, the size can be manipulated by hovering over the edge of the field and adjusting, or they can be deleted by clicking on the "X" icon.

Available variables pull data corresponding to the name. Memo assigns Auction Name and Seller number.

Below is an example of a check layout that prints only one check per page and with some of the most common settlement fields:

Here is another example of a check layout where there are three checks per page:

Adding a Signature

BidWrangler Check Layouts provide "Signature" as an available settlement field. Clicking on this field will allow you to upload an image of a signature that will automatically be added to the checks when printing. You may choose to leave this field out if you prefer to physically sign each check.

The signature field allows for PNG files to be uploaded so that signatures without backgrounds can be used. To add your signature, we recommend taking a picture of your signature written clearly on white paper. You can easily remove the background by clicking "Tip: To remove the background of your signature, click here!" below the upload field to navigate to

After uploading an image of your signature, the background will be removed and you can download the SD version for free:

Saving a Check Layout

When you are done adding the Settlement Fields to your layout, click on the "Current Layout" field, click "Save," type in a name, then "Save."

Test Print

With a check layout selected, click "Test Print" to view and print the layout with the settlement fields added.

*Keep in mind that printing the test or Seller Checks will not print with the Template Image in view. The Template Image is only a guide to add the Settlement Fields. The blank sheets of seller checks must be physically added to your printer's paper tray. Always test on a copy of your checks and not with actual checks.*

Printing Seller Checks

IMPORTANT: Before printing checks, please make sure any PDF viewer extensions or software that open PDFs within the browser are disabled, or you will receive an error. Chrome extensions such as Adobe Acrobat will cause an error preventing checks from loading within the browser.

Seller Checks can be created for any auction with generated settlements and any saved check layout. Printing seller checks will automatically apply the payment to the settlement, and they can be done in bulk or individually.

Printing Checks In Bulk

To print seller checks in an auction, navigate to the Reports screen within an auction, then select Seller Summary.

You will find a button above the summary entitled, "Print Seller Checks." Click on this button to bring up the "Print Seller Checks" popup.

Select a previously created and saved Check Layout and all or selected sellers from the generated settlements from this auction and "Print." If the check layout included "Check Number," you will find a field for "Starting Check Number." Enter the starting number here before printing. A PDF viewer will load where you can view the document and print.

Please make sure that your blank seller checks are added to the paper tray in your printer before printing. If this is the first time printing seller checks, please test from the Check Layout's "Test Print" on a copy of your seller checks before using your actual checks. All printers are different, so you may need to manipulate printer settings in the browser after clicking print from the PDF Viewer.

Printing Individual Checks

To print an individual check, open the individual seller settlement and click on "Settlement Actions." You will find an option for "Print Seller Check."

Seller Check Payments

After printing seller checks in bulk or individually, a check payment will automatically be applied to the settlement.

For questions related to creating, editing, and saving check layouts and seller checks, please email us at