How do I administer terms and conditions for my auction?


Terms and Conditions

Terms and conditions are created within the admin portal of the bidding platform. Terms and conditions can be generic and reused or can be made specific for each auction.

To administer terms and conditions, navigate to the admin portal, and click on "Terms and Conditions" in the left-hand window.

From here, you will see a list of all terms and conditions created. To edit terms, click the orange pencil on the right. 

To create a new set of terms, click on the "Create" tab.

  • Each set of terms requires a name, and this will be selected when attaching a set of terms and conditions to an auction. 

  • The "terms" text field can be copied and pasted into, as well as accept HTML. 

  • The "Deposit amount" is a numerical amount that a bidder will have their credit/debit card checked for available funds before being able to register for an auction. This will default to a company setting, but can be adjusted for each set of terms and conditions.

  • "Require manual approval" when checked, this requires each bidder to be manually approved by an admin; bidders cannot self-register for the auction. Each bidder will have a pending approval status until they are approved within the admin portal. The admin will be notified by email.

  • "Manual approval message" allows admins to control what instructions are shared with the bidder in order to be approved to bid.

  • "Credit Card Check" This will set a requirement for a registration for a bidder's credit card/check for funds. There are 3 options available to choose from:

    • "ALWAYS - Require bidder to enter a card and verify deposit amount." This requires a card entered manually, every time, for each auction these terms are used for. This will verify funds on the newly entered card.  

    • "REUSE - Ensure bidder has a valid credit card. No limit Verification. Require new card if invalid." A bidder's stored credit card profile from a previous registration will be checked for expiration date, and require a new card to be entered if the existing card is out of date/invalid.  Bidders without a credit card profile will manually enter in their cards, and will be checked for the "Deposit amount" funds.  NOTE: This will not verify funds for existing credit cards through Stripe or Authorize.Net!

    • "NONE - No card needed." Credit card verification will not be required for bidders to register for this auction.

  • "Terms Acceptance" This allows for terms reused within BidWrangler to allow bidders to be automatically registered for auctions with those same exact terms, OR be made to accept these terms and conditions for every registration using these terms.

    • "ALWAYS - Bidder will always have to accept these terms."  Bidders will need to review and accept these terms and conditions for every auction using these terms and conditions.

    • "ONCE - When a bidder has accepted these terms once, they will never have to again." Bidders that register for an auction with these specific terms and conditions will not need to review and accept them after approving once, and will automatically be registered for future auctions with these terms and conditions.

When you are done, hit save, and the terms and conditions will appear in the list.