How to download images from Wavebid and import them into BidWrangler


1. Navigate to your auction in

2. Click on Photos > Manage Photos

3. Select the "All" batch

4. Click Download Photos

5. "Unzip" the file. (Double-click on the zip file to "unzip" it within MacOS)

6. The unzipped folder will contain all of your photos. We will need this folder shortly.

7. Navigate to the BidWrangler "Admin Portal" by signing in as an admin.

8. In BidWrangler's Admin portal, navigate to Items Import

9. Click "Create"

10. Click the dropdown menu to choose your auction. Please be sure that this is the correct auction. Imports cannot be "undone".

11. Kindly ensure you are selecting the correct auction.

Tip: If 2 or more auctions are named similarly, you can use the auctions' dates to compare them and pick the correct auction.

Note: Please, do not upload a CSV file or a spreadsheet of your items into the auction.

12. Click "folder"

13. Select and upload the folder containing your images that you just unzipped.

14. Click " Save"

15. The images will upload through the browser first before navigating you to the Item Import screen.

16. The import will start right away; refresh to see the progress. Double-check that all images were processed and the error count equals zero. If you encounter any errors, please contact us at

17. Click on the first hyperlink (this will take you to your auction details page).

18. Click "Edit"

19. Enable the "Decouple item images" setting

20. Click " Save"

21. The connection between BidWrangler and Wavebid's photos for that auction have now been severed. Your pictures should appear as expected on BidWrangler.