How Do I Filter My Searches?


BidWrangler has a variety of filters that can make searching for the right auction or item quick and easy. In any heading under the 'Auctions' category in the Admin Portal, filtering options can be found by clicking the upper right 'Add Filter?' tab.

Filters For Auctions:


  • "Auction ID" - This will display only a specific auction, based on the ID number of the auction (the five-digit number found in the URL of the auction). 

  • "Auction Name" - This will display auctions matching a certain name (or portion thereof).

  • "Published?" - This will display only published auctions.

  • "Seller ID" - This will display only auctions in which there are items belonging to a certain seller, based on the ID number of the seller (the number found to the left of the seller's name in Company > Sellers).

  • "Status" - This will display only auctions of a specific designated status that is selected after attaching this filter (Pending, Accepting Bids, Complete).

Filters For Items:


  • "Item ID" - This will display only a single item, based on the ID number of the item (the seven-digit number found in the URL of the item). 

  • "Auction ID" - This will display only items in a certain auction, based on the ID number of the auction (the five-digit number found in the URL of the auction). 

  • "Listing?" - This will display only listings.

  • "Seller ID" - This will display only items belonging to a certain seller, based on the ID number of the seller (the number found to the left of the seller's name in Company > Sellers).

  • "Lot ID" - This will display items that match a certain lot number.

  • "Name" - This will display items matching a certain name (or portion thereof). 

Filters For Registrations:


  • "Auction ID" - This will display only registrations for a certain auction, based on the ID number of the auction (the five-digit number found in the URL of the auction). 

  • "Paddle Number" - This will display only registrations belonging to a certain paddle number.

  • "User" - This will display registrations matching a certain bidder's name (or portion thereof).

  • "Approved" - This will display only approved registrations.

Filters For Bids:


  • "Item ID" - This will display only bids matching the ID number of the an item (the seven-digit number found in the URL of the item). 

  • "Item" - This will display bids matching a specific item's name (or portion thereof).

  • "Auction ID" - This will display only bids in a certain auction, based on the ID number of the auction (the five-digit number found in the URL of the auction). 

  • "Item" - This will display bids matching a specific auction's name (or portion thereof).

  • "User ID" - This will display only one bidder's bids, based on the User ID number of the bidder (the number found in the URL of a user's 'Edit User' page in the Admin Portal).

  • "Bidder" - This will display bids matching a certain bidder's name (or portion thereof).