BidWrangler Auction Management
Getting Started with BAM
To get started with BAM, you will need to create settings in the BidWrangler Admin Portal. These can be assigned through a dropdown to the associated lots, auction, consignors, or buyers throughout your BidWrangler platform -
- Sellers & Seller Settlements
- Invoices & Buyer's Charges
Sellers & Seller Settlements
Auction consignors, or "sellers", can be assigned to any lot cataloged in your BidWrangler auction. Once an auction has completed, Seller Settlements can be created with the associated tax rates and commissions to be charged or paid out
Creating Sellers
First, navigate to your BidWrangler Admin Portal, and click "Seller" from the left menu under Company. Then click "+ Create" -
Next, fill in the associated fields for the Seller -
(Minimum required fields: First Name, Last Name, Email Address)
Finally, click "Save" to create.
Created Sellers will be displayed in the list here, and can be edited, exported to a .csv file, or deleted -
Creating Seller Tax Rates
First, navigate to your BidWrangler Admin Portal, and click "Seller Tax Rates" from the left menu under Seller Settlement. Then click "+ Create" -
Next, fill in the Seller Tax Rate "Name", "Base rate"(Percentage) -
(Check "Default" if this is the standard Seller Tax Rate used for Settlements)
Finally, click "Save" to create.
Created Seller Tax Rates will be displayed in the list here, and can be edited, exported to a .csv file, or deleted -
Creating Seller Commissions
First, navigate to your BidWrangler Admin Portal, and click "Seller Commission Rates" from the left menu under Seller Settlement. Then click "+ Create" -
Next, fill in the associated fields for the Seller Commission Rate here -
(This example uses a tiered commission per lot, or a "sliding scale")
Finally, click "Save" to create.
Created Seller Commission Rates will be displayed in the list here, and can be edited, exported to a .csv file, or deleted -
Settlement Settings
Settlements Settings must first be created here to generate PDFs or email seller invoices. Customized headers, footers, and notes can be set here, as well as the text on the settlement email.
First, navigate to your BidWrangler Admin Portal, and click " settlement="" settings"="" from="" the="" left="" menu="" under
Next, fill in the associated fields for this Settlement Setting -
Finally, click "Save" to create.
Created Settlement Settings will be displayed in the list here, and can be edited, exported to a .csv file, or deleted -
Assigning Sellers to Auctions & Lots
Once an auction has been created, lots cataloged into the auction can be assigned to the consignor or "Seller". A default Seller for the auction can be selected, as well as the associated commissions, tax rates, and settings.
Adding Sellers and Settings to your Auction
First, navigate to the BidWrangler Admin Portal, and select the auction you wish to add sellers and settings for, and click the pencil to edit - Next, scroll down to the "Seller Settlement" dropdown -
Here, a default Seller for auction items can be set, as sell as creating a new Seller for this auction. Created Seller Settings and Seller Commissions can be assigned for this auction.
Adding Sellers to Lots through Auction Review
First, navigate to the BidWrangler Admin Portal, and find the auction you wish to assign Sellers. Next click the "Review" button to enter your "Auction Review" page -
Next, click the lot you wish to assign a Seller. In the cataloging window, scroll down to "Seller", select the Seller you wish to assign, and click "SAVE" -
The Seller will now be assigned to that lot for Settlements during auction reconciliation.
Generating Seller Settlements
First, navigate to the BidWrangler Admin Portal, and select "Settlements" from the left menu under Seller Settlement, then click "+ Create settlements" -
Next, select the auction you wish to create seller settlements for from the dropdown, and click "Generate" -
Created Seller Settlements will be displayed in the list here, and can be edited, exported to a .csv file, printed, or deleted -
Editing and Reconciliation of Seller Settlements
First, navigate to the BidWrangler Admin Portal, and select "Settlements" from the left menu under Seller Settlement, then click the settlement you wish to edit under the Number column -
The Seller Settlement will be displayed as shown -
From here, items can be edited to a Settlement, as well as the associated Commissions, Taxes, and Bid amount -
Settlements can be emailed, or generated as a PDF, by clicking here at the top of the page -
Once the Settlement has been paid, simply mark it as such from the status dropdown here to complete -
Invoices & Buyer's Charges
Buyer's Premiums
First, navigate to your BidWrangler Admin Portal, and click "Buyers Premiums" from the left menu under Invoicing and Payments. Then click "+ Create" -
Next, fill in the associated Buyer's Premium fields here -
(Check "Default" if this is the standard Buyer's Premium used for Invoices)
Finally, click "Save" to create.
Buyer's Premiums and Seller Commissions can now be calculated as a tiered or a progressive. Consider this structure for buyers premium:
$0 - $1000 = 10%
$1001 - $5000 = 8%If an item sells for $1100 then the buyers premium would be:
Tiered = $1100 * 0.08 = $88
Progressive = ($1000 * 0.1) + ($100 * 0.08) = $108
Created Buyer's Premiums will be displayed in the list here, and can be edited, exported to a .csv file, or deleted -
Buyer's Fees
First, navigate to your BidWrangler Admin Portal, and click "Buyer's Fees" from the left menu under Invoicing and Payments. Then click "+ Create" -
Next, fill in the name and fee amount -
Finally, click "Save" to create.
Created Buyer's Fees will be displayed in the list here, and can be edited, exported to a .csv file, or deleted -
Tax Rates
First, navigate to your BidWrangler Admin Portal, and click "Tax Rates" from the left menu under Invoicing and Payments. Then click "+ Create" -
Next, fill in the associated Name and Tax Rate(Percentage) here -
(Check "Default" if this is the standard Tax Rate used for Invoices)
Finally, click "Save" to create.
Created Tax Rates will be displayed in the list here, and can be edited, exported to a .csv file, or deleted -
Invoice Settings
Invoice Settings must first be created here to generate PDFs or email buyer invoices. Customized headers, footers, and notes can be set here, as well as the text on the invoicing email.
First, navigate to your BidWrangler Admin Portal, and click "Invoice Settings" from the left menu under Invoicing and Payments. Then click "+ Create" -
Next, fill in the associated fields for this Invoice Setting -
Finally, click "Save" to create.
Created Invoice Settings will be displayed in the list here, and can be edited, exported to a .csv file, or deleted -
Generating Invoices
First, navigate to the BidWrangler Admin Portal, and select "Invoices" from the left menu under Invoicing and Payments, then click "+ Create invoices" -
Next, select the auction you wish to create invoices for from the dropdown, and click "Generate" -
Created invoices will now be displayed in the list here, and can be charged, printed, edited, exported to a .csv file, or deleted -
Editing and Reconciliation of Invoices
First, navigate to the BidWrangler Admin Portal, and select "Invoices" from the left menu under Invoicing and Payments, then click the settlement you wish to edit under the Number column -
The Invoice will be displayed as shown -
From here, items can be edited to an invoice, as well as the associated Buyer's Premiums, Taxes, and Bid amount -
Invoices can be emailed, generated as a PDF, and charged by clicking here at the top of the page -
To update the payment status of the Invoice, simply mark it from the status dropdown here -
(Note - Deleting a payment in BidWrangler -although it will readjust the balance of an invoice- does not refund the payment. Refunds should be processed through your payment gateway.)